MovieChat Forums > Eva Mendes Discussion > currently dating Ryan Gosling

currently dating Ryan Gosling



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Doesn't look like they're dating at all to me. It just looks like 2 friends hanging out. They claim they're holding hands but I'm not seeing that. Even the peck on the cheek was a classic friend thing to do.

I doubt they're a couple. They're filming a movie together and probably just hanging out together. From the pictures I'm seeing zero romantic chemistry.


Yup, they're holding hands in this pic.,,20526154,00.html

Funny how the gosling fan girls/gossip sites are hating on Ryan saying this is a "PR stunt", for what? He did the same thing with Lively, he just wants to be normal.

"That's a WAR CRY, mofo."


If they are in fact dating then good for them, wish them all the best. But I can see why people would assume it was a PR stunt. They have a movie together, and this seems totally out of the blue. Last I heard she's had a live in boyfriend for 9 years. It seems odd to go from that to instantly been seen holding hands with Ryan Gosling.

Whatever. I'm not a fan of either so who cares. lol


live in boyfriend for 9 years
Nine years? No wonder this looks strange.


Maybe it's just me, but I think they make a cute couple. Although she is pretty *beep* hot, so Eva and just about anybody would probably make a cute couple. :P


This guy doesn't need any PR stunt lol


can't outrun your own shadow


I would rather see Ryan date another one of his frequent costars as of late, Emma Stone. I think they'd make a cute couple.
