MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Mitchell Discussion > Too much plastic surgery for my tastes

Too much plastic surgery for my tastes

IMO if someone isn't attractive to themselves, they're not attractive to me


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hi,i think she dont have plastic surgery,when she have one?


Only her nose. She broke it several years ago and fix it thanks to plastic surgery and even though I like Juliet/EM I must admit that the result is not really good.

Don't follow me...


Those are real. Fake ones don't move and sit perfectly even when you don't wear a bra. Hers don't. The best proof is the scene in LB where Juliet and Kate are trying to escape the smoke monster. Fake breasts would never bounce up and down that much.


Yes, and it was not very well done either... I found it really distracting watching Lost's fourth season, that's all I could see each time she appeared on screen
( I think it bothered me less on season 3 since she had a lot of on screen time, you had more time to get used to it )


So what, I'm sure she really isn't botheres that YOU don't like her nose job. It's not like she was aiming for a new nose cus she hated her old one she just had something that was broken and needed to be fixed.

And her boobs are definately REAL.. if you think they're fake then you've either never seen a real pair or never seen a fake pair.

All we need to survive is someone who truely loves us...and you have her.
