MovieChat Forums > Rhona Mitra Discussion > Is she White or Indian?

Is she White or Indian?

Just wondering?

Her father is Indian, usually people are considered what their father is, and usually when a non-white and white mix, the child is almost always considered to be part of the "non-white" group. But in Rhona's case, she looks white so I'm guessing people think of her as white.


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Shes tanned, Mixed race..half enlgish..half indian..Just like my stunning cousin.

Theres no need to be specific are what you are no matter what colour ur skin is

"See ya in anotha' life, brotha'!"


Whatever she is, she is gorgeous.

" Power Wielded By Incompetence Leads To Only Self Destruction"


She's smixed, and that's a beautiful thing.

"When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER."


>Is she White or Indian?



She doesn't look white. She looks mixed and that's exactly what she is.


She is 3/4 white and 1/4 Indian. Her father is half white and that's why she looks white.

Blade Runner II: Rachel's Revenge
Release Date: 2010


Couldn't said it better myself.

Americans are almost as obsessed with race as the germans in the early 20th.

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.
