MovieChat Forums > Jason Momoa Discussion > I wish Hollywood would stop trying to ma...

I wish Hollywood would stop trying to make Jason Momoa happen

He's such a horrible actor, and his very brief part on GOT where he hardly said or did anything is what he's been riding and getting work from for years now.

Every movie he's attached to you know its gonna be shit and he's gonna be shit in it, Justice League, Conan, Bullet To The Head, The Crow remake which i heard got cancelled, thank god.

Hollywood give up on trying to make this guy some big mega star it aint happening. He gets work solely based on his looks, cause it sure aint for his acting.


His career is based wholly on having good genes. He has no talent and has made no effort to learn to act. He's basically a C-grade model.

In every film or TV show, he's like some big freaky tree in the background. There's no discernible charisma, acting talent or light behind his eyes. Am I envious? Sure. I'd love to have a career handed to me on a plate and make millions because I have a certain look. But Momoa's still a worthless lump of crap.


I thought he was good in The Red Road.


I like him, he has a subversive vibe


I agree.


Don't think he's a terrible actor.but he doesn't seem to have any range.He's very good at playing one specific type of character.The hulking intimidating quiet brooding type.


He's alright for the roles he picks which are characters with no depth. Stick with what you can get right I guess lol.

His career is still somewhat in its early stages though and there are lots of crappy actors/actresses that can make good movies with at best average acting. Maybe Aquaman will be his calling and be great....maybe...
