
This was movie night with her Noominescence! And... being an artist, you might give back sth to the Lady. Hommage!
(And yeah, I own the rights cause I did It all by myself, music, animation, drawing, texts, blah).


"Noominescence"...how clever.:)

It's really a very good work. Congratulations.


Very nice! I enjoyed watching your drawing take form.




You did it! 😄 It's odd, because as soon as the eye is in place, one can tell that it's Noomi. It's a great piece of art, and a really nice homage to Noomi, I'm certain she will see it!

Thanks Michael, damn you're good! 


Thx to you all, I enjoyed creating this little piece, straight from the heart. Noomi is a constant inspiration to every artist and writer, too. She´s got some magic. Really, she should be co-authoring her scripts and co-produce her movies.


She is interested in co-oproducing and writing scripts, so future is open.


Yeah... Maybe things change a bit along the way I´d really like to work with her in building a character role which challenges her range of performance, and is received as well by an audience as Lisbeth. Noomi knows a lot more about approaching character roles than most of her colleagues,( no offense) and could co author a great serial character. May be like that: Dark humours, strong ethics,quick as lightning, ugly AND beautiful at the same time, some internal conflicts, abysses and cracks to cope with( as source of dramatic external conflicts), and always good for a surprising twist--- in short: layers, layers. :D. So to speak, a vague shape of what it should be like....But it is nonsense to write a script and present it for silly pitches like a beginner. Having en kopp kaffe in Stockholm or some tea in London and scribbling, and talking about ideas is the real source of inspiration and creative synergy.Just saying. Hej..... Chacun a son façon.


Well thx. I get the impression that Noomi is surrounded by arrogant people who hinder everyone who wants to work with her, and I know I´m not the only one who gets this impression.I always recognized great pros by not having any problem to talk. Since I am not a stalker, or a fanatic, and since I have a great business running up and well, and since I have no idea what she thinks any more, I have to wait until I shall meet her somewhere by coincidence, which is not impossible.We have no idea what her strategy might look like,for her career and for herself. Maybe it is the "machine" she was taken in... But I can see that her talents are being wasted to promote male and female american stars, while she is able to play them backs against the wall in no time. (I did not say that, Jude Law did, and it did not look like he was trying to be polite. Remember how hard it was to talk Isabelle Huppert into "Dead man down". She is a real actress, just like Noomi.). And she´s not the only one. Long story short: She really should start to develop her own movies. And, by the way:The American movie industry is going down- every year fewer movies are taking the whole cake, which is minimizing every year, simultaneously. People are fed up with cliches and remakes and silly franchises filled with VFX without a story worth mentioning. More and more great filmmakers are going to do independent movies in Europe, or switch to games, or just retire and give no damn any more. One of them told me:" The system corrodes,and discriminates, and talents are treated like idiots or slaves.Disgusting." So, I´d say: Yeah, the future is open, if we do things differently. Have I mentioned Trump?No, and I won´t. ;) Give a damn for the money and the fame. This is about great movies and actors,and writers, and directors, not about celebrities or *beep* stardom, for art´s sake.
