The Vax

The numbers are starting to add up! People in their 50s die left and right.



No, according to anti-vaxxers, no one under age 80 has ever died.


If I had to put money on it I'd place Sinead in the anti vax camp.


She got dual vaxxed & boosted when she converted to Islam!


Knucklehead Alert !


She had mental health problems for years, you clueless parasite.


Cuz she converted to Islam ??


No, because she joined twitter and started following far right accounts that spew conspiracy theories every day.


Far right 👍 far left 👎 very toxic, pro vaccine, pro Ukraine, pro basically everything terrible !


Vaccines save lives, so ... not sure why you would think saving lives is "terrible."

Ukraine was invaded by a sadistic monster, so ... terrifying that you would call supporting the victims "terrible."

Your statement says more about you than anything else.


Covid vaccine did not save any lives, nor prevent infection or re-infection!

However vaccines did almost eradicate Polio, Measles, Tetanus & Hepatitis B!

Death rate is up, 5-8% world wide in 2022 compared to the stable years before including during covid!


Covid vaccine did not save any lives, nor prevent infection or re-infection!

However vaccines did almost eradicate Polio, Measles, Tetanus & Hepatitis B!

Death rate is up, 5-8% world wide in 2022 compared to the stable years before including during covid!


Actually, the Covid vaccine has saved countless lives. It does not (nor does health official claim differently) prevent infection or reinfection. It does, however, significantly reduce the chances of infection and reinfection and significantly reduce the severity of the infection. Thus, it does, in fact, save lives.


These anti-vax people are crazy, but I will say in my experience of getting two shots with my family that it seemed to do jack shit from my subjective viewpoint. As soon as one of us eventually tested positive it spread to the rest almost immediately even though we quarantined (it was a nasty sickness as well), and my friend and his older father with no shots didn't seem to have any additional problems.

Of course this can be explained by saying there were new variants, that it could have been a lot worse, it's just one particular anecdote, etc. Regardless, this notion that people are dropping like flies because of "the vax" is total conspiritard nonsense.


That stinks for you and your family!

I would absolutely agree that the Covid-19 vaccines have been effective for many but not as effective overall as other vaccines. You bring up a good point.


Why are you picking on Ukraine? What did they do to you? Are you a Putin supporter? That man is scary.


OP is a Neonazi - assclown. Ignore him.


Sometimes it's hard to resist.


So you are blaming Trump for the Operation Warp Speed vaccine development right??


Many different vaccines have saved lives; however, the Kung Flu vaccine, rushed through and insufficiently trialed, has proven to be not only ineffective, but harmful to many people. Failure to recognize or acknowledge this fact seems to be a sign of below-average IQ.


I'm assuming by "King Flu" you are being snarky and are referring to Covid-19. I also suspect that whatever proof you might have to support your theory that the vaccine is "harmful to many people," is based on anecdotal evidence, at best.

However, if there is any truth to what you said, you lost me when you attacked my IQ.

Try making an actual argument instead of resorting to insults. Insulting someone who disagrees with you is usually a sign of someone who doesn't know how to debate an issue.


Vaccines save lives, but that doesn't mean that there are not possible risks associated with them, or that there are not other considerations when deciding whether to get vaccinated. To imply that anyone who is hesitant to get vaccinated is "terrible" is dismissive of their concerns and risks minimizing the importance of informed consent.


I didn’t say anyone was terrible. The person I responded to said vaccines and Ukraine were terrible.


You're a fucking moron and an asshole.


People die at any age for a any number of reasons. For all we know, she fell asleep in the tub or suffered an aneurysm. In the end, it's a person who had a lot of personal struggles and the grief of losing a child. No reason to start prying into why she passed away.


Please she carried around enough pills every day to overdose a dozen people. Lets wait for the autopsy.


If it's possible to detect that she died from complications of covid vaccine, and that turns out to be the case, it is highly unlikely they would reveal that information.


The autopsy will state “natural causes”.


4 sure the vaccine!
