MovieChat Forums > Yoko Ono Discussion > Yoko was richer than John when they firs...

Yoko was richer than John when they first met...

And Linda richer than Paul...


That doesn't sound right to me, but maybe that's just because I assume the Beatles were all mega-wealthy and Yoko was a kook artist. They don't tend to make a lot of money. With that said, I do know she was a reasonably well-established kook artist (at least, in kook artist circles) and so maybe she did have money.

Can I ask for your source?

I did know Linda was rich. I wasn't sure how rich.

Also, small side note: I don't actually mean "kook artist" as an insult. I just mean it as a category. I'm sure you know who I mean? The kind of performance art/ avant grade types who do experimental art. I do think there's a place for that stuff, and some of it is really interesting.

Although, as a further side note, I've almost never heard of anything really interesting that Yoko herself as done.

Finally, while I do think the "kook artists" are creative and can do wonderful work, most of the work is - in my opinion - not terribly interesting and often very pretentious and/or masturbatory. Ono's work often seems pretentious to me. She seems kinda insufferable, although to be fair, I don't know her. I'm just going off of interviews.

I remember one where she and John were promoting the film they'd done about a fly crawling all over a naked woman's body. John seems to think there's a bit of a joke to it; it's fun and playful to him, as well as holding some meaning. Yoko doesn't seem to have a sense of humour about it. People who can't/won't laugh at themselves or their art... well, they often prove themselves to be lacking a sense of irony or play which stifles creativity and, ultimately, makes them produce art in a more self-involved, goofball, pretentious vein.


are you crazy?
