What a tosser

That's right, for your arrogant comments and disrespect of George Lucas and Star Wars fans I. General.


Whether you like the prequels or not is irrelevant - who gives a *beep* what you think? Don't go disrespecting the millions of Star Wars fans and an entire generation of people who enjoy them just fine. Lucas has done far more for cinema than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams. In 50 years time his genius will still be celebrated, while no one will give a *beep* about Shaun of the dead.


Pegg is just another mouthy, attention-seeking tw@t who thinks his opinion is more important than it actually is. It's best to ignore him.


Its the kids I feel sorry for. The kids who grew up with Episodes I - III. The ones whos first cinema experience was seeing these movies and who adore them. They need to put up with a middle-aged failure spouting crap about something they love.


I agree, well put.

You have been CRURNED!


Whether you like the prequels or not is irrelevant - who gives a *beep* what you think? Don't go disrespecting the millions of Star Wars fans and an entire generation of people who enjoy them just fine. Lucas has done far more for cinema than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams. In 50 years time his genius will still be celebrated, while no one will give a *beep* about Shaun of the dead.

Totally agree mate - is he just bitter that as a semi famous so-called Star Wars fan he wasn’t offered a role in the prequels?

I actually used to have time for the guy, but these days Pegg comes across as a petty condescending Lucas / prequel hating diva and a judgemental two-faced hypocrite of the highest order, plus he hasn’t done anything remotely decent since Spaced/Shaun of the dead - and even then its Nick Frost who is always the truly funny one in everything they appear in together.
The fekin hypocrite also slagged off the Clone Wars series but then has the cheap scumbaggy temerity to take on and then ruin the role of Dengar in an epsiode, his pitifully weak vocal 'work' for a grizzled gnarled veteren bounty hunter like Dengar sounded like a weasely cockney muppet - he utterly didn’t get it or deliver a credible performance - which is ironic cos that’s what he continually bleats on about regarding the prequels: not 'getting the star wars vibe' etc - that amazing Star Wars 'insight' he thinks he has is total bull, i just hope his Ep 7 consultancy input was completely ignored by JJ. Really sad cos now all Pegg has become is an arrogant attention seeking pretentious Tom Cruise fanboy twat, and dont get me started on his pathetic STrek Scotty accent and performance :P


Can you like posts on IMDb? Because I would this one.
Eloquently put, good sir.


yikes what a absolute twat.

Clearly nick frost is/was the real genius besides edgar wright for spaced and the cornetto trilogy.

*beep* knows why that movie paul even happened but peggs yanky dicsucking is pretty obvious and lame especially since his career is in the toilet



Blast him all you want, but he's absolutely correct.

Jar Jar Binks sucked major ass. As a fan of the original three movies, the prequels were not remotely in the same league. I don't know anyone who feels the prequels were great movies.


Blast him all you want

thanks for your validation and will do :)

I don't know anyone who feels the prequels were great movies.

yawn... what a refreshing non-clichéd comment - and i dont know anyone who thinks that you've made any great movies either, ever, so at least you got that in common with your mind numbing opinion of the PT
