MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > What's his best comedy?

What's his best comedy?

Apart from 'Shaun Of The Dead' - which I did NOT find amusing, because of the whole zombie topic.

Has he done any real good comedies?


No. I just realized he's in the next Star Wars movie he hasn't sucked enough in Mission Impossible.


'Missions Impossible' and 'Star Wars' ? This guy?!? Oh god.. 😔


I enjoyed hot fuzz, but i didn't get the style at first
Spaced was brilliant and big train was great
I think he's much better in roles he has written for himself and in the era before he went hollywood
"somebody used to live here"


Hot Fuzz is brilliant, I think. It has a nice story on its own, Nicholas Angel is a great, developing character and there are many references to some of the best action movies without stealing from them. There are some of the best British actors in the movie as well, obviously enjoying every minute of it. And I love how Cate Blanchett has a funny role in it and probably loves the fact that 90% of people watching here scenes the first time have no idea it´s her :)

Spaced is great but the humour is the weirdest British humour so it is probably a bit difficult for some and some people probably don´t think it´s funny (which is fine, of course)


Run fat boy run is hilarious!


I found A Fantastic Fear of Everything to be hilarious and, of course, also loved Hot Fuzz.


Basically his old stuff, watch Spaced and Big Train. Very funny stuff.


I agree with the Hot Fuzz suggestions, if we're not including Shaun of the Dead. Although I think you should definitely check out Shaun of the Dead if you haven't watched it. Even if you can't stand zombie movies, it's worth watching. I think it's hilarious from start to finish.
