MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > What an utter hypocrite.

What an utter hypocrite.

He has the balls to tell fanboys of Star Trek to *beep* off when Star Trek 2 was voted worst of the Star Trek movies (of which I disagree with), and with his other hand, completely be a fanboy himself and trash the Star Wars prequels for being an abomination (of which I also disagree with.) Get it together Simon, you sound like a angry pubesnt teen with your flip flopping, and general opinion on irrational fanboys.

Don't like what I'm saying? Then call 1800-Ima-CryBaby and ask for "Waaaaaa"


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.......and nobody cares


FYI: People that don't care, don't take the time to type that they "don't care." Just so you know.


Well lets face it, Star Trek 2 is hardly the worst Star Trek movie. Not when you've got the Shatner directed effort and the Generations abomination. So he's just showing his contempt for the fools who voted as they did and for the pathetic reasons they did.

As for the Star Wars prequels, he's entitled to his opinion and it's an honest and popular one.

Hardly a hypocrite.

"Perhaps he's wondering why someone would SHOOT a man before throwing him out of a plane..."


Lmao did you just make an attempt to qualify one subjective opinion over another?


Exactly. I still like him, but he needs to recognize his hypocracy.
