MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > Best of the Blood and Ice Cream?

Best of the Blood and Ice Cream?

1) Hot Fuzz - great feel, music, and all around balance between the two

2) Shaun - would've come in first were it not for the lack of complexity r.e. Ed

3) The World's End - I hate sounding like a prude, but the crude humor went a tad too far several times. Loved it, but it didn't carry the weight of the first two. Still lol'd.

ACUPUNCTURE - "Really! You'll feel better if I stab you with needles repeatedly!"


Same order for me:

1) Hot Fuzz - Hilariously and consistently funny thoughout its runtime, and beyond the comedy it works very well as both a mystery and an action movie as well as presenting an incisive and witty satire of action movies. 9/10

2) Shaun of the Dead - Again hilariously funny and works well as a zombie survival movie even if the comedy was taken away. I don't rate it so highly as Hot Fuzz purely because it doesn't seem as polished, and the film slows down a bit once they're in the Winchester. 8/10

3) The World's End - It's still got Edgar Wright's polished direction and an excellent performance from Simon Pegg, but the script seemed forced and rigid this time and the comedy is a lot less funny, relying too heavily on callbacks and Gary King being obnoxious. The ending is unsatisfying. 4/10
