MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > Simon ' I'm an ordinary bloke' Pegg has ...

Simon ' I'm an ordinary bloke' Pegg has become v annoying.

Pegg has become an annoying little turd with his "I'm just an ordinary bloke routine" you're not an ordinary bloke you're an actor in major Hollywood films , the ordinary old simon Pegg would have ridiculed people like tom cruise about his insane Scientology but instead Pegg has his head so far up Tom cruises ass that they are french kissing, look good luck to Pegg but cut the 'ordinary guy' routine out it does not ring true anymore, as Ricky Gervais has realised success is a killer.

Rant over.


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Haha I think he's doing okay. I feel that he is keeping pretty balanced in his career. I still see him as an ordinary guy.


Why would any professional "ridicule" the guy who gave them a huge career boost? Cruise is not just the star of the MI movies, he's the producer. It's like making fun of your boss at a meeting. It's not "edgy" or cool, it's just f-ing stupid.

Besides, Tom Cruise, despite his religious nuttiness, is apparently a pretty nice guy. Plus he's been pretty quiet about the Scientology stuff the last few years.

What would be the point of "ridiculing" him at this date? You'd just look like an assh@le.

"Nope, Hipster nonsense. I'm out."


I do think he means how he has been up until these Hollywood films....he still comes from the same place and is probably saying, "Yeah, i'm in big budget stuff but I'm still a nerd and thrust into this caliber of film-making." Oh, and I don't see him as someone who would bash someone like Cruise..he's professional....

"You've got red on you"


Yet he bashes Man of Steel, Transformers and the prequels ad nauseum. But as soon as somebody says the last Star Trek wasn't that great he tells everyone to 'fu*k off'.

Don't get me wrong I don't like any of those films, but he should really concentrate on his own films.


He stays out of the limelight, except for at conventions ans whatnot. He's still approaching his career as a bemused outsider of sorts. I'd say he's an 'ordinary guy' thrust into big budget movies. In his book he notes how be only goes to celebrity hot spots on occasion, and still does things he's always done.


Why would any professional "ridicule" the guy who gave them a huge career boost? Cruise is not just the star of the MI movies, he's the producer. It's like making fun of your boss at a meeting. It's not "edgy" or cool, it's just f-ing stupid.

Besides, Tom Cruise, despite his religious nuttiness, is apparently a pretty nice guy. Plus he's been pretty quiet about the Scientology stuff the last few years.

What would be the point of "ridiculing" him at this date? You'd just look like an assh@le.


"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit me!"- Hudson in Aliens.


He has the same amount of talent as an ordinary bloke IMO. He's the funny uncle who makes silly faces and weird voices while he babysits you when your parents are at some party.

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.
