MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > QUOTE FROM SIMON HIMSELF


Possible, yeah. And you know what ... it absolutely isn't the worst "Star Trek" movie. It's asinine, you know? It's ridiculous. And frustrating, as well, because a lot of hard work and love went into that movie, and all J.J. wanted to do was make a film that people really enjoyed. So, to be subject to that level of sort of, like, crass F*ing ire, I just say *beep* you. Not you, but the people who said that. It's also that thing, as I say, that it hasn't been around long enough. It's the newest one. It's the one people least recognize. If you look back at things you really love, there's a big list: The things that you've got to re-watch and enjoy, they are going to be more up there. The thing that you know the least will be at the bottom. So it might be that, too, you know?

Well F Simon Pegg then !!

JJ could have done this by making an original story - but instead he bastardized something already done by someone else. And of course Simon isn't going to bite the hand that feeds him - so go ahead and keep playing the little yes boy you seem to be so good at.

Your last few films suck by the way - but I'm sure they made you some money at the box office and critics receiving kickbacks with no insight I'm sure love you just fine.

I'm done with your F*ing movies !!


Source? Also, if he said that (again, source?), he is right. Some things just need a rewatch so you can appreciate it.
I wasn´t a fan of the latest ST movie but not because it was a reboot. I liked it until the point when Zachary Quinto yelled "Khaaan!" It just wasn´t the same and it was cringeworthy. But until then? It was a good movie. I am a trekkie (have been for 20 years) but I am not going to send JJ to hell just because he changed things. He brought ST back to the big screen and brought attention of young audiences to it.


He did say that.

He also bagged out Man of Steel for having too much destruction. Wish I could find that article..
