MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > Simon Pegg doesn't owe strangers a thing

Simon Pegg doesn't owe strangers a thing

He doesn't. All the baloney about "he wouldn't have a career without fans" and the extremely common rhetoric is tosh. He'd still do what he wanted, he just wouldn't have a mob of stalkers obsessively deconstructing him at all hours of day. Here's the thing, if someone doesn't now you and you approach with an air of familiar, they are not going to respond great, because they have no emotion invested in YOU. It's easy to feel like you've "known" a celebrity as long as they've been in the public eye and in a way you do. But acting is just a small part of their lives, and they (much as it may be disputed by pundits) ARE ordinary blokes with the same motivations and rewards. Certainly fame does come with the expectation of recognition but when you're under the microscope your entire existence unless you make a genuine effort to craft a squeaky image (Oprah, etc.), anything less than the ivory mouthed starlet in the headshot is going to disappoint people. Before you respond with resentment, ask yourself what you would do. Not once but over and over, everytime. It might get exhausting being anyone but yourself.


....says a hypocritical Pegg fan who is hoping to get his idols attention by writing this creepy, hand rubbing, slavering monologue. Its not as if your replying in criticism on a thread someone else started, so transparent.


Ehh, I wouldn't say that. After taking a peek at this board and seeing the amount of criticism he gets for acting like a normal bloke I was half-tempted to start a thread like this. He gets a lot of flak for coping with mindless, attention-seeking Twitter criticism in the way most of us would - a big F you! I think people forget he's a 43-year-old English bloke and not some numb ditzy airhead who needs to smile and be nice when people don't pay him the same respects. I hardly think defending him on a thread is 'creepy', 'hand-rubbing' or even a way to get his attention (do actors look at internet forums about them? I highly doubt it. I know I wouldn't.)

I had the good fortune to have a chat with him recently and whilst that doesn't mean I know him, I was astounded at how unbelievably nice and down-to-earth he was. He's managed to crack Hollywood which is fantastic but he's keeping a very level head about it and it's frankly inspiring.
