MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > Bad experience filming his Doctor Who ep...

Bad experience filming his Doctor Who episode?

When obligatory Doctor Who casting rumors made their ways to Pegg's twitter, the tweet he struck them down with was curious to me. Pegg tweeted something like, "I'm not in the running for the next Doctor. I haven't watched Doctor Who since I was on it." That suggest to me that he was a fan before he filmed his episode, then had a bad experience and maybe the show lost it's magic for Pegg?


It ended with "I'm very method that way". I think that he was taking the piss, but also he probably doesn't have much time to watch television shows like he did at one time. He has talked of Dr. Who since. I think he was mainly trying to quell the rumours.


Wasn't he on the show twice? I don't watch it, but I doubt he's had a bad experience with it. He still talks very highly of it, but I think as he gets older and busier the things that he liked wgen be was younger fall by the wayside, as they do for everyone.
