MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Desperately waiting for this freak to st...

Desperately waiting for this freak to stop trending all day, everyday

Sick of seeing this entitled freak's mug every time I come here. Her/its/their acting career is effectively over anyway. I haven't seen anything with her in a decade and expect that will continue into the fututre regardless which sex she adopts next. She used to be rather sectetive about her private life, like Jodie Foster, but these days feels the need to shout it from the rooftops and there's nothing worth yelling. I look forward to the day all of you lose interest and she goes back to the obscurity she deserves.


You will be waiting for a long, long time. Transgenderism is the future, embrace it.


I haven't posted in a ..... Page page in a month or so, so I have not contributed to the .... Page trending.

Oh shit, I did it.

This person was in Trailer Park Boys.

That is one good thing.


Reminds me of the 1954 movie "Them!"


I have a relative who transitioned, that's cool and all, but now this relative expects all this special attention and praise like they just won the Congressional medal of honor or something. I'm certainly not against it what they did, but I really don't care all that much to be honest, and I could care even less about some silly B rated celebrity who wants to shove it in everyone's face. Ok your a boy now named Elliot Page, good for you. You're not a hero, and you don't deserve any special treatment. Juno is overrated to!


Desperately waiting for a method to block "trending" themes I don't care about at all.


Aaand here we go again.


She's a freakazoid


sounds like you're obsessed with Elliot since you bump up your own thread. Do you jerk off to him?


When s/he commits suicide. I mean, Christ, man, did you see that interview with Oprah?


I don't believe in Oprah.


Way to go posting about them then!
