MovieChat Forums > Elliot Page Discussion > Why do liberals celebrate this straight ...

Why do liberals celebrate this straight white guy? He's an emblem of the patriarchy, and is complicit in racism!

Libs have the consistency of tap water. Must be difficult to duct-tape together all the pieces of their fallacious dogma.


Page is definitely a symbol of patriarchy over feminism. 🤣


I'd say so too, Onan.


Sorry for bumping. I want some liberal(s) to cowboy up and answer.


I'm a liberal progressive who celebrated Clinton's blowjob and perjury, protested Bush's wars, served at sea in the Navy, participated in a top secret mission from the Pentagon which made CNN and National News in it's aftermath, restrained meth addicts in the behaviorial ward of the hospital with zero remorse, I got a gender studies feminazi professor to lose her shit and subsequently got a B+ anyhow, and was glad when Kyle Rittenhouse was aquitted. I also recognize that Obama & Biden have deported the hell out of illegals, and I love it.

My voting record is as follows: Gore, Kerry, Obama, Obama, Clinton, Biden.

You don't get to strawman the world. People opposed to your policies and your fuckin' sick-in-the-head excuses for public officials are not going to indulge in your chicanery over Page's genitalia. LGBTQ are pretty much degenerates in my eyes, but so are many straight folk. The difference is, Democrats favor regulation and outreach, which are civilizing concepts. Whereas GOP, like Heath Ledger's Joker, just want to watch the world burn. Your OP is just that... gasoline and a match

Ellen Page can go fly a kite for all I care. I will not respect her pronouns, I think she's likely mentally handicap...

and yet...

I would still trust her in the ballot box over you or MAGA. Boy, how embarrassing that must be for you.

Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney left your party, but you still expect anyone to believe extra Biden votes would have needed to be manufactured in victory?! Do the math, buckaroo. lmao

I wallow in your humiliation... I drink MAGA tears... snowflake freak. Your orange leader is going to prison to suck dick and swallow... all the while Joe Biden gets to spend another 5 winters singing Christmas carols with Mariah Carey in the Oval Office.

America is GREAT.


You started well, then threw in the towel ("Your OP is just that... gasoline and a match"). The inane ranting that followed was somewhat amusing. Thanks for at least trying.
