MovieChat Forums > Amy Poehler Discussion > Nasty at the Golden Globes

Nasty at the Golden Globes

I don't even know why she was at the Golden Globes sitting next to Tina Fey . . . are they that close? Anyway, when Glee won it's well deserved win against 30 Rock, Amy acted like a poor sport, sneering and fake smiling. Then just before the commercial break she was caught on camera in a VERY unflattering moment, using air quotes and mouthing objections seemingly directed at Glee's win. She's a nasty person who better hold tight to her 15 minutes before they slip away. In fact she's only got about 8 seconds of fame left. She better use it wisely, then quickly familiarize herself with the phrase . . . "you want fries with that."


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Unless one is an expert lip reader, there's no way to be certain what Amy was saying during the commercial break. There isn't any reason to be upset at her, because this is all based on assumptions.

I also think Amy will be around for a while, she's a talented comedic actor.

Having said that, I love Glee and I'm glad it won.


You're foul dude. What is your issue? lol She's a successful and HILARIOUS comedian. She's got more talent in her little finger than the entire cast of Glee. Go away ye of bad taste!


i think it's funny that Amy Poehler could draw so much ire! and she probably doesn't hate Glee:


Plus Amy has been around waaay longer then Lea Michele and I think we've already heard more stories about Lea being a huge *beep* than we have ever heard about Amy being nasty. Lea is the one that needs to be grateful and keep her eye on her 15 minutes.
