She's so hot

I do not know why but I just find her so sexy. She's a pretty hot MILF though, I'd love to grab her ass. I just find myself wanting to bang her, looking at her sometimes gives me boners


Yes, she is hot!


Damn straight!


Gorgeous and very funny.


I agree that Amy is pretty but its her personality and talents that really make her attractive.


This woman is GORGEOUS! I don't know if you guys have noticed, recently. I haven't always thought of her like that, but lately - WOWZA!!!


Amy is lovely. She looks gorgeous on Parks and Recreation.


She gives me a cute vibe. I always think she's more cute than sexy. I dig her booty though, y'know since she stopped being too skinny.


She gives me a cute vibe. I always think she's more cute than sexy. I dig her booty though, y'know since she stopped being too skinny.

I think she's gorgeous and sexy. A very good looking woman. I was looking at her monologue when she hosted SNL in 2010 and she looked mighty fine. A lot of lovely ladies have been cast members on that show. But I think a lot of my attraction to them is because of their intelligence, wit and personalities.
