MovieChat Forums > Laura Prepon Discussion > Adios to your career!

Adios to your career!

After the 3rd episode of that liberal rag show she is doing, im done with her. I enjoyed what she did in the past, but she crossed a line with the fireman scene. I will not watch anything she stars in, in any capacity. Way to go throwing your career away with the ranks of Julia Stiles B-class at best, Hannah Ware (who? exactly), Christina Ricci still makes money, but nothing worth seeing not that I would ever pay for anything with her staring in it anymore after her role in Black Snake Moan (says it all in the title). Erika Christensen (again, who? EXACTLY), Amanda Bynes from b-class to nada (career over after Hairspray), Andrea Anders after being pale t-rash in Mr. Sunshine her career is pretty much over before it even got above c-class. Its a good thing, it will clear a path for actresses who have principles in their roles and wont be pale garbage on screen.


What happened in the fireman scene?


i'm going to go out on a limb and say had sex with a black guy, based on this douche's other examples and post history. the funniest part is that he's under the impression that other people actually believe it's a career ender or even be a big deal otherwise outside of the bubble he lives in


Yeah that's what I figured.


Well you were way off.


Lol, yep, WAY off. Which show was the OP talking about?


He was talking about a scene on are you there Chelsea.


Her IMDB bio reads like a 5th grade book report. She need to step up her game.
