MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini Discussion > Scientology is running scared.

Scientology is running scared.

This show is so depressing. It's hard to watch, but cults and religions have always created brain dead zombies for their own gains. Nothing changes. Miscavige is no different than Hitler. He makes ISIS look like babies...he's found a way to seduce and kill and rob without public notice.

In a perfect world we would bomb Scientology to rubble the way we do with other vile groups. I hate to see downtown Clearwater blown up, but it's for the best. This cult must be stopped.

I personally love Cruise and Travolta. I'd give them a pass for stupidity, but the others have to go. They'd probably prefer to go back to the home planet....what a bunch of depraved idiots!


God I hope. Anything to blow the lid of the bs that they push. Anyone who commits to them is an idiot


I think it was said best on the show: "They're a criminal organization." Are you listening FBI?


Send in our Stealth Bombers. They are doing anything now anyways.


Miscavige is no different than Hitler.
Miscavige is significantly different than Hitler in his actions:
1) He holds no position in government, and as such has no authority over most Americans. Hitler ran for president of Germany in 1932 and lost. Within a year he became Chancellor and ultimately assumed absolute power as a dictator until 1945. He convinced Germans it was in their best interest to suspend parts of their constitution for national security. Sound familiar?

2) Miscavige has not implemented a system of mass murder. Hitler oversaw the "final solution" wherein undesirables were jailed and eventually executed. This resulted in the deaths of millions.

3) Hitler used force of government/military to occupy adjoining nations. Miscavige has no authority to do so, although if he ran for president as a Democrat or Republican he'd likely get at least 40% of the vote. 

If you're saying he has a similar personality type, then I'd tend to agree.

Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in


You are severely mistaken and uninformed about Hitler and Miscavige, but you're on the right track. I appreciate your detailed and intelligent analysis. Happy New Year!


Cruise seems extremely dangerous. How could anyone give him a pass?? His involvement goes far beyond stupidity.

There's been confirmation that John also knows what the church is doing (per Going Clear) and he choses not to speak up publicly. I suspect in all seriousness that they know he's secretly gay.


I give Tom a pass the same way I give it to John Lennon. Lennon was strung out on heroin for over a decade, but I love his music while feeling pity for him. Yoko admtted as much. Paul had to take over the Beatles and did so very well while John was passed out....its sad. I don't judge Van Gogh or Leonardo on their personal lives. Results matter most.


It's certainly possible. Scientology uses their methodology to gain secrets (blackmail). All the records they take (auditing) and keep under repeated bullying...while gaining financially. Obviously, it's not a religion or church. It's "The Godfather" or "Scarface" being tax-exempt and the government ignoring their serious crimes.
