MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini Discussion > My Own Experience with Scientology

My Own Experience with Scientology

I just read Leah's book, and I wanted to come on here and share my very short experience with Scientologists.

I had joined a social anxiety group via an online website. I found one and the meetup was the next night, at a "Dianetics" building. I was instantly suspicious. When I arrived for group, I didn't pay any attention, because I knew it was all stupid.

After group was over, one of the "counselors" wanted to see me. I waited in the lobby, and everyone was sickeningly sweet and nice, asking me if I wanted coffee or water, and it made me SUPER uncomfortable. Once the lady saw me in her office, she started explaining the lame classes she was offering, before I cut her off and said, "I'm an atheist." She replied "That's okay, you can still attend a class." After trying to convince me to pay for a class, I finally looked her in the eye and said, "I'm not giving you ANY money."

Her whole demeanor changed. She got that angry look on her face, and I said, "Thanks for wasting my time." I left the place quickly. I just can't believe people are stupid enough to believe the cr@p they spew.


It's not stupidity - the CoS is extremely skilled at preying on people, especially those with emotional issues. They don't need it to work on everyone - if they get 1 in 100 of people they talk to then they are successful.


They are everywhere. A few times my son has been playing video games online (with my husband or i keeping an eye out) and someone will start in on him to "just go once to check it out" talking about the CoS. He declines but THEY DONT LET UP. Usually they get reported at some point by someone but i dont know if that does anything. I always have my son stop playing awhile. It bothers me that so many prey on minors. They can go from very nice to angry and intimidating fast. Its a shame.


Thanks for sharing that info. What kind of religion expects you to cut yourself off from your family because they don't believe in it? Only ones that should be avoided like the plague!!


What? They target people via online gaming?


There a millions of lonely and vulnerable people that are prefect prey for CoS. Is doesn't make the victim stupid at all. You are pointing the finger the wrong way.

You didn't like it and you didn't sign up. Congratulations. It doesn't make you a genius.


If you're a reasonably educated adult then yes, you are stupid for believing aliens and monsters fly out your a$shole And the stupid alpha beta crap audit crap is dumb.


Every religion is equally incredible. I can't see why aliens are more crazy than angels, quite the opposite actually.


A made up bull *beep* religion
