MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini Discussion > I Love her special about the real Scient...

I Love her special about the real Scientology!

People are allowed to believe whatever they want. But when a "church" threatens not only former members, but CURRENT members who are behaving "wrong", they have gone too far. Leah Remini has done a very good job of explaining Scientology practices and all I can say is WOW.

Believe whatever you want. Scientology is dangerous.


She joined to be more famous, she's complaining about it now to get some attention and seem normal. Sure there's a word for that...


She joined when she was a CHILD because her mother led her into it. It wasn't fame that drove either one into the cult.

Leah Remini is a celebrity. She already got attention through her acting on King of Queens and it continues to this day. Scientology is what made her "abnormal" (I've heard many people remark, "How could such a pretty, down-to-earth, street smart woman from Brooklyn, NY fall for something so stupid as Scientology?"). Remini's humanity is what woke her up and freed her from the cult's abnormality.

I can think of two words to describe the cult's reaction to brave Leah: ENVY and SCARED.


Very interesting


Leah is only stating the facts for others to see what is really going on and judge for themselves. These are facts that she has REAL people that testified to their own experiences. All she is doing is bringing out the real facts of Scientology so others can see past their lies and deciption. As she always says, "Google it"!
You go Leah! I admire what you're doing!
