Before I even knew what Scientology was, I liked Remini as I first saw her in some sitcom about models. Ah Living Dolls it was called. I loved her character. I've liked Remini through the years and then I learned about Scientology and was like WTF is this!!!!???

I was SO overjoyed when Remini finally escaped that cult and I have indeed been watching her A&E show about exposing Scientology. I never knew how truly psychotic that cult was. I saw Going Clear and just was like WHY WHY seriously WHY are the feds not going after this. WHY did the Government even give them a tax exemption status; did the Gov even look into this cult first and even designate it a religion?????

PLEASE Leah, Mike and everyone in this exposing show please destroy this cult!!!

Leah you are just truly amazing with how fearless you are, along with Rinder and everyone else appearing, by not letting this cult bully you!!!

((Damn the remakes, Save the originals.))
