Brave Woman

I am just amazed how brave she is. There is enough Church of Scientology people in Hollywood to prevent her from being cast in anything.

I am so glad that she did this series. It will available forever and people will see how crazy this place is


Brave, lol she is desperate. She has no career so why not, what does she have to lose. Personally I think she should shut it and move on but she wants to stay in the spotlight. No one has a gun to scientology people so let them be.


I am just amazed how brave she is.
I admire her so much, too.

She's done what no other celeb from $cientology has done...aside from the Traffic screenwriter who did that huge article in The New Yorker (which was really really interesting)



So, how far along the ladder are you?


Very brave to expose Scientology for what it is..... a cult that blackmails people for money.


She is exposing a cult you moron. BTW "Jack Reacher" did crap at the box office. Who really is the stupid one working as an actor?


I love when people call successful people desperate. Really makes me laugh. Thanks for the laugh!


It's amazing. Before she left Scientology she was considered one of the biggest nut jobs in Hollywood. She was charged with child abuse. She was hanging out, and from I hear still is BFF with JlO. Whom, she was supposed to recruit. Miscavige didn't think it was moving along fast enough and was looking to put another person in charge of her recruitment. Leah started getting vocal and was told she wasn't an A-lister. This eventually led to her leaving the cult.

That really is in a nutshell,is what happened.

Then when she got out, she suddenly decided to make going after Scientology a career! She immediately took over. There's only one teensy problem...there were 1000's of people fighting, and WINNING before she showed up!

If you truly aren't ruled by emotions, then you have to admit a few things.

A. She's a pig! She can't form sentences without dropping F-bombs. She talks like a drunk sailor.

B. If you watched her short lived reality show, she's a diva. Which is why they quickly dropped it. People were saying, WTH does she have to be a all diva like?

C. She's hanging out with all former Scientology war criminals, like nobody is responsible for the bad they did while in. This guy you constantly see her with, was the Scientology NUMBER 2 man!


I came to this board to see what people were saying, you can easily see which IMDb users are scientology shills and it's pathetic- leave her alone!
I LOVE that she's blowing the lid off this crap cult.
Good for her!
