MovieChat Forums > Leah Remini Discussion > So happy she told insider truth about Sc...

So happy she told insider truth about Scientology

It still is killing the cult she came out ---

Good girl Leah now start going to Church (Mass) again and forget those losers ...


I love how people think Christianity makes so much more sense than Scientology; they both believe in unsubstantiated nonsense based on myths.


Christianity doesn't hold people against their will.


Not literally, just their rationale and common sense.


Someone can be Christian and intelligent at the time same. It's the church that is causing people cognitive dissonance in order to continue keeping them under control. Science and the Bible are not fundamentally at odds - they are only that way because religious leaders fabricated a story that they are now unable to change.


YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! to place every religion as the same is lazy and simplistic.. never mind the fact that scientology is NOT a religion, regardless of what the i.r.s says... and even more importantly? IT'S NOT WHAT SCIENTOLOGY BELIEVES IN THAT IS THE ISSUE! IT'S HOW THEY ARE RUN AND ACT AND TREAT THEIR MEMBERS, EX-MEMBERS AND CRITICS!... THAT IS THE ARGUMENT AND DISCUSSION!..


"Christianity doesn't hold people against their will"? Tell that to Cardinal Richelieu and those equestrian Holy Crusaders.

Christianity has one of the worst histories of torture, execution and imprisonment of any religion.

Read The Devils of Loudin, by Aldous Huxley. Read about the witch trials and punishments in Salem. Read about the abduction of gay and lesbian teens by self-professed Christians who then attempt to "cure" them of their preferences.

In the medieval period, Christians taught that you were going to Hell no matter what you did. Read celebrated Christian writer C.S. Lewis's Allegory of Love, because this is roughly what he said about Christianity in the fourteenth century: If you had sex with your spouse for purposes of procreation and you enjoyed it, you were going to Hell.

If I were a Christian, I wouldn't try to argue that practitioners had never killed, tortured or abducted anyone. I'd say that believers had had centuries to learn not to make those mistakes, which is why Christians can be trusted now.

I don't actually believe that, but if I were devout, I probably would because it's a fairly logical argument. The older the religion, the greater the chances that church leaders have learned not to make stupid mistakes.

Now, if you'd said St. Franciscan specifically rather than Christianity generally. . . .


They're on different levels of absurdity.

Scientology is just ridiculous.
Christianity, yeah, some aspects are off, but that is a religion and not a cult.

A person hates you because they either wanna be you, see you as a threat, or hate themself


I've never heard of Christianity "investing" in worshippers careers with both financial backing and connections. I've also never heard of a Celebrity Christian section of a church.
