Name a film that's good with him in, with him not being the worst thing in it.


I thought The Hurt Locker was amazing. Thought he was spectacular in that.


Well there would be both The Town and The Hurt Locker, for both he was the only cast member nominated for an oscar.

"We're the victims of a foul disease called social a proud, glorified dreg like me"


The town was pretty good to be fair. Hurt locker was dull.


loved him in American Hustle , best perf of the whole (bad) movie !
In the Immigrant he was superb with a relaxed en layered performance!

he was awesome in bourne legacy!

saw him in a tv show from a few years back "the Unusuals" , funny and original cop-show , he really has a comic talent too !

but wether you like or dislike an actor , is a question of personal taste ofcourse .


Twenty eight weeks later, S.W.A.T., Kill the Messenger

Robert Carlyle was the worst thing in the former, Samuel L. Jackson was the worst thing in S.W.A.T.


Kill The Messenger, The Hurt Locker (also has one of the best scenes ever when he is talking to his kid), and he's the only good part of The Town.



and why do you dislike him so much-

obviously you must have seen something he has done otherwise what basis do you have for asking others why/what they like him in

he is not to everyone's liking

best scene- Hurt Locker- standing in front of the cereal aisle/being overwhelmed by the multiplicity of choices conveyed by saying nothing at all a difficult thing to do

end scene of Legacy that impish grin of his and the resignation it won't be so bad on the sea/road (Legacy first time I'd seen him in anything then realized I'd had seen him in S.W.A.T. years before)

as much as I like Marion, Renner in his all too infrequent screentime was the best thing about The Immigrant as well as in Arrival

"It's a simple question." Set
