MovieChat Forums > Jeremy Renner Discussion > I feel sorry for him.

I feel sorry for him.

He seems to get treated a bit poorly. In the Marvel movies he always seems to take a back seat. He did Bourne Legacy which noone seemed to like (I liked it). Most of the marvel lot get their own movies, except him. I think he deserves much better and maybe his own Hawkeye movie. He's a much better actor than people give him credit.



and he is

its a shame he's treated like this by a really stupid media


"Really? Annie says in her best King Leonidas voice


Well he has gone on record stating that rather than having a movie, he'd rather have a series on Netflix about Hawkeye. I think that's a shrewd move, because it gives them a chance to flesh out the character, and he can have his daughter with him when he needs to. And FYI I lived him in The Bourne Legacy. I was not thrilled when they brought Matt Damon back. I like Matt, but he had his chance. Let Jeremy shine, because he's a phenomenal actor.


Hulk sucks been done over and over and over and NOT AGAIN PLEASE


Same here!

hmmm  - Well that's okay if Jeremy can't act - because he doesn't have to act - in order to get everyone to tune in.

That means there's no reason to feel sorry for him - because he's hot - and even if you never saw any of his worthless films - then you can still tell that Jeremy is hot.

Today's movies are all pretty much worthless all right - because it's not like the Golden Age of Film - and that means that nothing is going to be worth wasting your time over - but then there's Jeremy - so if he gets his own television series - then it should be on PBS or something which is not interrupted by anything but extensive Telethons.

Just look at how long other hot guys - like James Purefoy - or Kevin Bacon - waited to get their own series - and that was so bad that you could hardly wait for the very first commercial break to turn it off for good.

Therefore, what hot guys like Jeremy, James and Kevin really need is to stay away from movies, films, television and trash like flix - and then leave it to us experts to tell everybody how hot they really are - and that should solve everybody's problem of wasting times over really bad stuff with really bad acting - unless there is somebody hot - like Jeremy, James or Kevin - to spend your valuable time discussing - and then thinking about for the rest of the evening.

 Mellow Salutations!


He's a much better actor than people give him credit.

He was terrific in The Town, but yeah, Renner is the Poor Man's Matt Damon.
