MovieChat Forums > Robert Richardson Discussion > I honestly don't like the look he's been...

I honestly don't like the look he's been going for as of recent.

Maybe it's the digital computers they use to color films these days, but I hate that bland look a lot of his films have.

With Hateful Eight (since it was being shot on 65mm film) I was hoping for a beautiful and unique looking film, they were even using old lenses for it. But in the end Hateful Eight just looked like any other film released today, with an aspect ratio that was a little bit wider.

I don't think he is a bad cinematographer at all, he's great with a camera, I think the technology he works with recently is to blame. I also think that bland look he's picked up recently, (along with Jeff Cronenweth) is the reason almost every movie these days have that fucking boring ass look to them.

But on the other hand Robert Richardson has made some really great looking films, like U Turn, Bringing Out The Dead or the John Sayles movie City Of Hope (which I think at times captures pure cinematic greatness.)


Richardson and Cronenweth are two of the best DPs in the business(the latter should have won an Oscar for his work on Fight Club) but it does seem as though they have not adapted to the digital medium well and that only celluloid showed what magnificent artists these two gentlemen are.
