MovieChat Forums > Michelle Rodriguez Discussion > Her lesbian 'romance' won't last

Her lesbian 'romance' won't last

This thing she has with Cara Delevingne. I wouldn't say it was all for the cameras, but it's definitely just some stupid fling that will fizzle out soon.

Look at the age difference. Michelle is old enough to be Cara's mother.

It's short lived, I tell you. It's an infatuation, crush that's all. A young woman for an older woman.

Pathetic really.


'old enough to be cara's mother'
c'mon you dont know them personally and dont know what their relationships like,
let them be happy for gods sake!
whether it lasts or not!


If Cara has mother issues Michelle being old enough to be her mother is precisely why she's into her.


Okay am I the only one who was completely thrown by this?! Firstly, is this her official coming out or did she come out ages ago because for some reason I always miss out on these news. And secondly Cara Delevingne likes girls? So much confusion.

When you grow up, your heart dies.


Michelle has hinted at being a lesbian for several years now. Cara was previously rumored to be a lesbian on gossip websites.


Michelle hasn't "hinted" at anything. She's admitted to being bisexual for years. Of course, idiots like you who don't believe in bisexuality interpret that as "hinting" at lesbianism.


You think this butch is into men? Come on, that's a front, female celebrities who are lesbians often use the label "Bisexual" instead because they don't want to alienate men. For the sake of their careers they think it is good strategy to keep alive the idea that they are also into men because it keeps male fans interested.


Blah blah blah. You don't know her. All you know about her personal life is what she reveals, and there's no reason not to take her word for it. At least that's what a rational mind would understand. But in your mind, "DURRR SHE'S BUTCH SHE MUST BE A LESBO".


Old enough to be her mother? So a woman is 14 years older than her significant other (child would have been conceived when she was 13) constitutes being old enough to be her mother, huh? Let me ask: would you say the same thing if it were a man being 14 years older than a woman? Of course not! And I doubt you would accuse him of having some sort of infatuation with his younger lover.

There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.
