MovieChat Forums > Michelle Rodriguez Discussion > Is she attractive to the male population...

Is she attractive to the male population...(Picture )

I personally don't find her to be that attractive myself. Do you??? jpg


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I can't speak for the male population, but I've recently developed a huge lesbian crush on her. And I rarely get lesbian crushes, the only other one I have is on Angelina Jolie.
I'm not sure if she would appeal to the majority of men because most men, contrary to what they would have you believe, want a woman that they can rescue and protect. Not only does she not need to be protected, she'd probably kick any guy's ass who insinuated she needed to be.


Excellent choice of pics, there, CBrownPunk. Good Job! :D


What the hell are you talking about?

You must suspend all disbelief.


Not only does she not need to be protected, LOL just from the bottle. I do think she is sexy not necessarily pretty but I do enjoy her movies and thats what its all about. I have bought DVD solely because she was in the movie.


Yeah I'm with you. I'm a straight female, but I have a girl crush on her. But I think it's the feminist side of me. I'm a sucker for strong female roles and Michelle always plays those well.

"That's it man. Game over man. GAME OVER!" ~Pvt. Hudson, Aliens.


im a guy and she's very very very attractive.
