she rocks

more or less, as close to a female action star as there has ever been, gets good roles, might not be the best actress, but COME ON! she rocks.

I am not a active fan of her, but I am being tortured to sit though Battle Of LA, and now that she pops up, I feel like it might be more fun.

Yay opinion.

Kill Them, Kill Them All!

Flames or thoughts welcome.


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She basically plays the same character in every film and she has no depth. That's my opinion, anyway. But you are right, "Battle: Los Angeles" sucks... Although, for me, she only made things worse.


I think it's just that she's typecast, because she's athletic looking and has the "I'll kick your @ss" vibe, but I really like about her. I don't know why she gets so much hate because there are far worse actors out there and I happen to think that she's very pretty. She's not even that butch, she always looks beautiful and feminine for movie premieres, etc.


"... people can call it typecast, but I pigeonholed myself... Saying no to the girlfriend, saying no to the girl that gets captured, and eventually I just got left with the strong chick who's always being killed."
— Michelle Rodriguez

Stop making excuses for her. It's her fault her career is dead after 2014.


I think she rocks too, come on this girl made a few kickas# movies : Resident Evil, Avatar , Fast and Furious :)

I love Neve Campbell and Kyle Gallner


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


And what will you be saying when you're still trolling her board in 2015 and she's still working? Grow up boy.


Totally agree

Michelle is so badass that not even death stops her charas. She's the only actress known for RESSURRECTING in movie franchises.
