
Soon....there not going to let me go so please show up for me in the next day or heard Hitler and everybody said about it being crystal m poisoning if your not going to show up then you might as well leave then and everybody else like the gorans please show up for me this is hurtfull soon like in the next day cause this is hurtfull...:D


Please dont wait until Nov 30th to get me get me sooner like within the next couple of days 30 more days turns into another 30 more days cause if melanie klein says its crystal meristoyle poisioning then come and get me sooner cause this is wrong and you know that ....practice showing up for me at my seaton house more during the morning and on my way to seaton house and on my ways to the library cause 30 days is insane please show up for me like soon cause this is bullsh^T this is neglectful and if its crystal meristyle poisioing and if I have trailers to watch then I don't know whats your problems cause Hitler told you that it was crystal meristoyle poisioning cause your supposed to get getting me like soon ....:P dont wait like 30 more days get me like soon like within the next few days practice showing up for me at the library and stuff please and thanks also you know I have dead inbread babies coming out of me like please soon show up for me cause this is hurtful try within the next few days or so practice showing up for me like last night and stuff cause you know 30 days leads into another 30 days and another cause if this is the case umbrella please show up for me cause this isn't right and this is not fair when everybody says its crystal meristyole(dont know how to spell it) poisiong please show up for me like soon ...dont neglect me anymore :P

Tik tok baby life is a race just make sure don't make a pit stop !!! :P


Now Michelle please try showing up for me before November 30th thats like 30 days from now ...Umbrella stop this madness please 30 more days of this *beep* is ridicolous please claire redfield come and get me sooner by oct 30th this is *beep* you might as well all leave then because this isn't fair at all...Leeloo all of you stop this madness this isn't fair nor right ...please Gorans help me get out with my crystal meristole please....:P


Tik tok baby life is a race just make sure don't make a pit stop !!! :P


Michelle Rodriguez where have you been ? Please try to practice showing up for me more during the day at Seaton House & during my night time walks and stuff & please try to get me before November 30th please dont wait 2 weeks to get me get me in like 3 more days or so dont wait like 5 more days keep practicing getting me please :P


Tik tok baby life is a race just make sure don't make a pit stop !!! :P


Listen, I dont know you or anything but you need to find yourself some help. Youre having some kind of psychotic breakdown. This isnt meant in any kind of mean way. Ive witness similar stuff like this before. Youve lost your touch with reality and looks pretty severe, whatever it is. The good news is, theres medicine for you. You just need to find the courage to get it. Goto the hospital, tell them your not feeling well mentially.
