
Huih! We must stop! THIS MADNESS about well little girls and poision put it that way but I know this isn't like me typing this but a lot has been said and this sounds cheesy and we are like dieing but ahhh those people at the white house can help us out but people around me are popping like pidgeons and I dont know but what I see in my hyperlink is hurtful you know what I mean they said I siqned for 30 days off rooster but rooster to me just means the banks all saw tape of where the money $$ comes from DA Forensics and Logistics cause my mother or you know is prehistoric before the day of us and can same for all of us like twins and Rachel McAdams and everybody else but keep me on and dont put me back out here in this fake city.....:P


Tik tok baby life is a race just make sure don't make a pit stop !!! :P
