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Ben Shapiro - The Left’s Quest to Destroy Joe Rogan

I don't get this. Rogan is not a conservative or Republican. Why is the woke mob going after him?


He isn't "on-message". He doesn't auto-support Hillary, or he likes Jordan Peterson, or any number of a thousand other things that makes them dislike people.

I don't even think it's "the Left", it's "the vocal, annoying Left" who happen to be vociferous. I think most people on the left don't really care. They probably don't like Joe, but I don't think they care.

The bottom line is that it's more Cancel Culture BS because there are some people who don't like things being said that they disagree with. Joe is a catalyst for off-brand conversation.


they go after anyone who says the n word or attacks LGBT.


You can easily find examples of people on the left saying THE N WORD. I just watched videos showing Biden and commentators from the Young Turks saying it.

As long as you keep marching in lockstep and join in the cancelling, you'll get a pass. "It was a different time." As soon someone who's a celebrity of some kind steps out of line or is targeted for some reason, they start scouring their history for everything they've ever said for something they can use agains them, context be damned.

So no, they don't go after everyone who's said it. Their standards will change wildly depending on what's politically useful at the time.


what % of canx are white adult male?


I don't get this. Rogan is not a conservative or Republican. Why is the woke mob going after him

We've all been desperate for a new adversary, ever since fear of Al Quds fell out of fashion


Because he's balanced. The left views anyone that isn't far left as far right.


Rogan tried to convince his listeners that the Apollo program was fake. Why should anyone respect him after that kind of crap?

I don't need to be "woke" to object to that kind of insanity. Perhaps if Rogan woke up and smelled the facts, then he would not sound so unAmerican. :)


So then don’t listen. Problem solved. But let’s be honest. You’ve never listened. Your posts make it very clear you’re just an idiot following orders copying and pasting what your masters want you to.

Another lemming asshat.


Is everything a conspiracy with you? I do, at times, listen to news and video that show Rogan making an ass of himself.

Here is a prime example of Rogan being very stupid.

Are you willing to listen? Or are you part of the flock that just believes all the stupid crap they hear?


Haven't you heard? Libertarian or Centrist or Moderate = Right-wing.


“The left” are brainless lemmings easily controlled by their media masters.

Rogan had the audacity to have an open minded conversation that goes against the global elite plandemic. Period.

It’s not about fake Twitter firestorms or N words being said 37 years ago.

This same predictable shit gets old. Watching Democrat sheep be lead around like the idiots that they are.


They did give him an offer to JOIN THE PARTY.

Apparently, this is what the Psycho Left do when someone declines their invitation.

