MovieChat Forums > Mark Ruffalo Discussion > Mark Ruffalo for Columbo role...(if they...

Mark Ruffalo for Columbo role...(if they ever do a remake)

Seriously. Just been on the peter falk site and had to air my 12 year old suspicion that Mark Ruffalo is the love child of peter falk.

If they ever make a columbo film/tv series, it would be criminal to use anyone but Mark Ruffalo imo.


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yeah he would

this is the "oh no you didn't" generation where a shocking comment has more wit then truth


after enjoying his take on Bruce Banner and reading about what a down to earth person he is in real life, I can't not picture him playing Colombo

when I was ~12yd old I was lucky to find myself hitting golf balls @ a driving range golf course in Studio City (or was it North Hollywood as my brain is fuzzy in my 50-mumble years).. Who comes along into the spot next tome but Peter Falk. We eventually started talking about golf... one thing led to another & he asked me to play the front 9 with him. We had a blast... I share that anecdote because Ruffalo constantly reminds me of how genuine & humble Falk was in real life.

I think Ruffalo has the tools & make-up to bring a similar but fresh take to the dective Colombo character, Perhaps even enough for a feature film. It really was his portrayal of Banner which confirmed it for me.

Unlike many I seem to just enjoy Ruffalo's characters because to me he does not come across as if he's playing a character...that's something I am drawn to in actors.


I remember thinking that when I saw Zodiac, when he's wearing a trenchcoat.



They REALLY need to cast him in that role if there is a redo!!


Ruffalo as Columbo never dawned on me. But now that you mention it, he'd be the perfect choice.


In highschool he did a play and played a detective in a Colombo kinda way (cross-eyed and all) ;-) He realized then he wanted to be an actor for life. So..... This alone should be the reason for him to play him. :-)) Mark rules!!!!


He be perfect!
