In Treatment

So excited, I think Amy is a great actress and I just saw a commercial on HBO for the new season of In Treatment. She is one of his new patients, named Adele. Just pointing it out for any fellow Amy Ryan fans.


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Yeah, she's terrific! One correction, though: Adele turns out to be Paul's new therapist, not a patient of his.


She is the best part of this show!


She is WONDERFUL on "In Treatment"

This latest episode that aired Tues., Nov 30th if it doesn't win her an Emmy and Bryne also for that matter, then something is terribly wrong.


what did she do to herself?? looks different and awful on the Office...



You are becoming somewhat infamous. So I had to come on and see for myself. You really have some issues. 20+ posts/ day!... all evaluating women you will never get? I've seen some pathetic people on here before, but you take the cake. Get a hobby... you seem like a stalker. Maybe you should try to meet a real girl or just order one of those real dolls. People I work w/ gave me your screen name to read your posts, so you are becoming real obvious to people. Soon, your posts will have as many hits as the "Three Wolf Moon" t shirt on Amazon. Good Luck Creep.
