MovieChat Forums > Amy Ryan Discussion > Coming back to 'The Office' !!

Coming back to 'The Office' !! turns_officemdashso_does.html

Holly-lujah !!!

'And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high saying, O Lord bless this thy hand grenade'


I KNOW, I was so excited when I read about it on I really hope they put closure on the Michael / Jo storyline, I hope they end up getting married so that Michael can leave the show on a high note. I thought they were an awesome couple and can't wait to see what happens now

"One man's mundane and desperate existence is another man's technicolor"


I like'em even more than Jim/Pam.. They're really fun together, the chemistry is great and they're just, this weird, unique couple . But a sad spoiler: according to one of the writers/cast member Paul Lieberstein said that her character won't be happy about the return since she had a good relationship with A.J. etc.. Which is upsetting. But I don't think they've made her character randomly, she has to have a purpose on that show, which being Michael's soul mate :D . And since she RETURNED for another 8 episodes, I mean, it would be pointless if she'll end up with A.J., she didn't need to return for another 8 episodes if that will be the result...

Anyways, whatever will be the result, still glad she's returning. I'm in love with her character. Holly Flax is like the cutest thing on the show and just watching her performance will be a delight I'm sure. BRING ON THE 7TH SEASON!!!

'And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high saying, O Lord bless this thy hand grenade'


Beyond thrilled!!!

I loved the "Holly/Michael" pairing on the show!

What I would love most before Steve Carell's final 'swan dive' at the end of next season is to make sure that b**** Jan sees them together, happy and walking off into the sunset! She so deserves to see Michael Scott so happy with his actual soulmate after treating him so badly and draining his pockets dry!

I would simply just love it!!!

But that's just my opinion.
