great actress

i always enjoy watching her in everything she does, she is one of the good ones.
best wishes for continued success, i think it is a very hard profession.


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I've only recently become aware of her thanks to "The Wire" and "The Office," but I had previously loathed her because of Gone Baby Gone, that nasty, ridiculous little movie. I think it does a disservice to her. I've since realized that she was in a number of movies I've seen -- You Can Count On Me, Capote, Before the Devil Knows You're Dead, Dan in Real Life, Keane -- but I hadn't remembered her in them, possibly because her roles were small or her performances were chameleonlike or simply that I just wasn't aware of her. But she's clearly a strong actress, and her versatility is being showcased by "The Wire" and "The Office," and she seems to be an acclaimed stage actress. I think if she continues working with talented people -- especially actor-friendly directors like she has -- she could go into that category of actress filled up by people like Julianne Moore, Cate Blanchett, Tilda Swinton, Judy Davis, and Patricia Clarkson.


It hardly did a disservice to her since it made you finally notice her.
Oh and she also got nominated for an academy award.I'm sure she really hates how that affected her life and career.


She is a great actress! In "Gone Baby Gone" she really convinced me what a low life sc@m bag her character was.


I think she is just an amazing actress and person. She never fails to amaze me. I have a girl-crush in her cause she is just so beautiful and talented and great!! She has made season 5 Michael Scott better than any other.

"I'll move to Cleveland when you get that Ikea, NEVER!" ~the wonderful Liz Lemon
