MovieChat Forums > Amy Ryan Discussion > Matt Damon-HUGE ENDORSEMENT


Matt Damon just appeared on the Jim Rome show not 5 minutes , and gave an absolutely enormous amount of praise for amy ryan. He said she is the only actor not from Boston ever to convince him that he or she could be. I am looking forward to seeing this, despite the director.


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Please write again after you see the movie. I would love to know if you change your mind about the direction. Amy Ryan is as good as Matt Damon says. Ben Affleck is a much better director than you are anticipating. He did a great job. Wish I knew him so I could congratulate him!


Yes, it would seem that Ben Affleck shines behind the camera more so than in front of it. I agree that Amy was brilliant. She may have drawn from her Queens background for the role. I live in Queens and I have known a lot of people like her character - she captured that personality type perfectly.


Yep, saw the movie and she really IS that good. I lived in Boston and wouldn't have guessed she hadn't.
