Only 5'6' tall?

I thought it was very interesting that her IMDB biography lists her as 5'6" tall. I haven't seen her full filmography by a long shot, but everything I have seen her in (Riddick, Sexy Evil Genius, and 24) seems to portray her as a much taller woman. Maybe it's just the proportions of her athletic build in conjunction with directors playing to the fact that she just looks taller on-camera.


She seems way taller than that!


5'6" is still pretty tall for a girl-especially a girl actress since most male actors are more like 5'9".


I'm know that i'm very late with this reply, but I found a picture of her with Karl Urban. His height is listed at 6'2" and she looks almost as tall as him. I think that she is at least 5'10".


She's standing on the raised walkway. Urban is a few feet behind her and standing on the ground. You can't see the top of his left sneaker. Sneakers are about four to five inches sole to top of the laces, so he's four or five inches lower than she is.

When filming scenes if one actor is significantly taller than the other they either put the short one on a box or dig a trench for the tall one to stand in to block the shot so both are in frame together. Film and tv are about image not reality.


I guess 5'6" is slightly above average height, but I think what Katee has is presence and, as another commenter said, athleticism. And we can't forget those camera and set tricks directors like to use. Next to 6'2" Taylor (Longmire) she doesn't look 8 inches shorter.


Look at her next to Tricia Helfer, who is listed at 5'10.5". Katee is about 5'5" or 5'6".
