Daughter of Adama?

That came out of *beep* left field. Is she really his daughter, or did he mean he just regarded her as a daughter to him?


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He regards her as his daughter. They've been through so much.

Also she was engaged to his son Zak.


I think she meant starbuck felt like his daughter. He said that in the first season I think.


if you have to ask you obviously havent really watched BSG


Actually, I've watched every *beep* episode, and I know that he thinks of her as a daughter. It was just in the very definitive way in which he said, "You're my daughter," that made me a bit confused.


If you've watched every *beep* episode then you shouldn't be confused on this subject.



So your flipping out and calling people stupid arrogant morons over a small question on an IMDB message board? First, get a life, and second, take your PMS medication.


"So your flipping out and calling people stupid arrogant morons over a small question on an IMDB message board? First, get a life, and second, take your PMS medication."

I'm clearly not the one flipping out. I was just merely stating what an arrogant moron you are. You ask a stupid question, then get angry with people when they call you on how stupid it was, claiming you had in fact watched the series as well. Let's say you aren't lying and had indeed watched it, that still makes you a moron, because did you see anyone else on here asking that question? No.

After all the information we know about the characters, and you still have to ask? Were Starbuck and Zac having an incestious relationship? Her and Lee as well? Try using your brain next time you mouth off and make yourself look a fool.
