Not ageing well

She's only 39 years old, but she looks awful in that new Sci-fi series Another Life, especially her skin. It's probably down to all the cigars and cigarettes she smokes. She's not ageing well.

All those moments will be lost, like tears in rain... time to die.


the make up in episode 4 at the birthday party really did her no favours, but she’s not aged that badly that you’d kick her out of bed.


A woman who smokes wouldn't even get near my bed, even if she's given the disgusting habit up.

Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.


You’re in no danger of any woman getting near your bed, self-deleted coward.


No, I would not kick her out of bed, because if she showed up in my bed I'd be up and out of it as fast as lightning myself ... she is creepy.


Apparently she's quit smoking but it does SUCH damage.


I always thought she was mature looking even in Halloween were she was like 21 and Battlestar she was only in her mid 20s


Judging by your limp-wristed attitude, I'd say you're a pole smoker..


Unfortunately I totally agree.

She was stunningly attractive to me in Battlestar but not at all in Another Life.

Maybe this is voluntary? I've heard many women today would rather do without excess masculine attention 😁


You’ve “heard”? That’s because you are the prototypical MovieChat poster who will never have personal experience with any woman.


Wrong. I have good personal experience with real women, thus why I am confident in my prediction.
