MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget Discussion > Victim of foul play?

Victim of foul play?

Bob's cause of death is listed as head trauma. How can you hit your head so hard(hard enough to cause your brain to bleed to death) that you think nothing of it and then simply tuck yourself into bed?

Sounds fishy to me.


It can happen. My friend's dad died at work when he hit his head on a cupboard in the break room.


That's terrible, a very sad accident!


Crazy how one blow to the head can do that.


I'm a paramedic and unfortunately that can absolutely happen.

Nothing fishy about it.
It would perhaps have been fishy if they would have found any traces of intrusion, a fight/struggle or similar, but that wasn't the case.

Also, he hardly had serious enemies.

You're a shit detective, sorry.


I fell on my head once while in kindergarten while playing on the monkey bars (rings). I was doing a flip and lost hold during the rotation and fell on my head. I got a huge excruciating headache that lasted for days and my uncle was doing his voodoo shit on my head on head to quell it but it didn't work. I guess this is where I got brain damaged or something because my mind is trapped as a 16 yo. I'm just glad I didn't bleed internally. I also fell down this slide-like monkey bar (2 poles) and landed on my chest where I bled out a bit from the mouth. God damn I was a crazy back then. Ever tried walking on monkey bars 10 feet above ground?


No, there is something strange with how his death has been reported.

He died on Jan 9 and now it is just being reported what he died of. It is very, very typical that this type of injury would have been discovered at the autopsy. Go back to the initial reporting - of what I am aware of, there is nothing about any sort of injury and like I typed above, this injury most likely would have been seen during autopsy.


Injury seen during autopsy /= learning that this - and only this - was the cause of death.

Maybe go outside and touch some grass, you're in way over your head and obviously desperate for drama where non exists. Ask yourself why.


Let me, paint a picture for you sir.

a 65 year old hits the back of his head extremely hard to cause bleeding. likely he is injured, disoriented, concussed and by definition not thinking straight. it would be one of the thinks most likely to affect your cognitive and decision making abilities. Either he thinks its not a big deal, is in pain but thinks its best he lies down to sleep it off. or given the pain and disorientation, he decides to lay down for a few minutes and passed out due to the trauma

he dies.

thats it. thats all. its honestly the most logical thing i've ever heard.


You find it hard to believe someone would slip on the floor and slam his head on something? It's all a conspiracy to you people


Fumbling around in a hotel room where you don't know where exactly every thing is like at home. Entirely plausible.


thousands of shower accidents happen every year.


A doctor versed in this area said that, yes, you could cause that much head trauma with the weight of your body falling on a hard object or on the floor.

Saget was on two medications that could have made him drowsy. Maybe he at first just wanted to lie down for a moment before calling for help. And the drowsiness from the medication, plus the spreading injury from his head trauma, made it so he simply did not regain consciousness.

Especially with a celebrity, I am quite sure that the police and the crime scene unit were all over the scene, watching security camera footage, etc. If there was any sense that there was foul play, I would think that would have been detected by this time.

When you are in an unfamiliar location, you really do need to be extra careful. I know of people who have gotten badly injured just trying to get out of the shower. You are just not used to where you are, and miscalculation can mean a bad injury, or even worse, as in this case.


could be the star whackers.
