MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget Discussion > Multiple Factors

Multiple Factors

-Fractures around his eye sockets
-Enlarged heart with 95% blockage on one side
-Klonopin & Trazodone in system
-Positive PRC test for COVID

If he recently got COVID or boosted and that enlarged heart (inflamed?), I wonder if it's more than just a so-called head trauma and not COVID related let alone vaccine related via myocarditis.


oh that's right, I forgot over the last 5-10 years Saget GAINED OVER 75 POUNDS. He literally was an accident waiting to happen.


Probably a mixture of everything.

He had the vaccines and got boosted:

Every shot someone takes it lowers your natural immunity. So it could have opened him up to additional risks as well.

The head trauma still could have been caused from blacking out due to no oxygen to the brain, which could have been due to brain inflammation or cardiac arrest. Enlarged heart with blockage meant that he was suffering from deep vein thrombosis, or a throembolytic event, which is clotting within a main artery.

That was always one of the common factors that the mice suffered from when the RNA messengers got into their bloodstream... with studies showing the same results from back in 2007:

And more than a decade later the EXACT same thing is happening when the RNA messengers get into the venous system:


If only he had that 4th booster.
