MovieChat Forums > Bob Saget Discussion > Weird new news about Bob's death

Weird new news about Bob's death

They say he had bruises around the back of his head and eyes ... but could not find traces of blood or hair in his room. They think he fell over backwards, hit his head and decided to go to bed ... but he had no drugs in his system.

That just sounds really weird. Can you imagine being in a strange place and injuring yourself so critically and deciding not to call 911 and instead just going to sleep and hoping you survive?

I don't think we have the whole story on this, do you?


But what are the motives then?


??? No idea, but "motives" presumes another person, and I don't hear anyone suggesting that there was another person there or involved. I have no read much about this since posting this. Do you know if there is new info?


It's quite common for people with no symptoms from a fall to go to sleep normally. There could be a brain bleed causing no symptoms.

That's why medial personnel or a family member wakes them up every hour of so, to see if they are conscious and alert.

Bob was alone, and didn't have this advantage.

Stop looking for foul play.


Multiple skull fractures, there would be symptoms. It is also strange they initially said there were no signs of a cause of death only his hands on his chest. That was the cops who first checked out the scene, I think they would have noticed his head smashed up. There is more to this, might not be a guy in a ski mask but who knows.


agreed I am shocked how people think a 65 year old person whoseverely damages (to the point of death) the organ that is responsible for decision making, thinking logically and critically. Are surprised he makes a bad decision and doesn't do the logical thing?

these people love conspiracies


Ok.. so the cops that first investigated the scene did not find a severely damaged head or any signs of blood which showed he slipped in the bathroom and fractured his head in multiple places? He severely smashed his head, woke up! And then walked to the bed and clutched his chest before dying, but left no obvious signs that it happened. These conspiracy theorists are grasping at straws.


I mean if you can provide a link ill happily read it.

but if by first on the scene you mean the initial cops who came when called? ya they aren't expert investigators. they would not have touched or tampered with the scene. they would make their initial hypothesis but not do a deep investigation.

I mean ya, he falls, hits one side as he falls the other when he hits the ground. wakes up dazed, stumbles to bed, dies


Can you imagine being in a strange place and injuring yourself so critically and deciding not to call 911 and instead just going to sleep and hoping you survive?"

yes its only the most logical thing in the world. a 65 year old person severely damages (to the point of death) the organ that is responsible for decision making, thinking logically and critically. and you are surprised he makes a bad decision and doesn't do the logical thing?

I can think of anything more sensical in my life. its like asking "why didn't the guy who just got his legs cut off just walk away to safety from the accident?"


Yeah, I said I was surprised, and I am.

> its like asking "why didn't the guy who just got his legs cut off just walk away to safety from the accident?"

No it's not, but if you are talking about useless thing the most immediate one to me now is your stupid comment. Did you hit your head?


"No it's not"

YES IT IS. just like a legless person doesn't have the necessary limb to preform a function, the brain damaged person doesn't posses the necessary organ to preform the function (in this case making the logical rational decision of getting help)

sir get checked out for your mental retardation
