MovieChat Forums > Bernie Sanders Discussion > Bernie is so amazing ....

Bernie is so amazing ....

I am totally for Bernie. In this day of 'quisling' """ "Quisling" is a term originating in Norway, which is used in Scandinavian languages and in English for a person who collaborates with an enemy occupying force – or more generally as a synonym for traitor. The word originates from the surname of the Norwegian war-time leader Vidkun Quisling, who headed a domestic Nazi collaborationist regime during World War II. """ Democrats, who might as well be Republicans, and who are under the control of Corporate money.

Bernie is at least one person who is honest, genuine, authentic and has a long record of hanging in there with consistent support from his constituency. Few other candidates can say that, and today after the stab in the back performance of the disgusting Donald Trump, it is more important than ever to find someone who actually stands for and will work for the citizens of the US instead of taking money from the working people and giving it to corporations and billionaires through tax cuts.

It is time to get this country back on track for all Americans, and hack out the deep corruption from mostly the Republicans. We clearly need protection and regulation of the media which is turning into a totalitarian force backed by the right-wing media and the AI trolls in social media.


Media right wing? What are you smoking??? I guess when reality doesn't suit you, just create your own.


The media is neoliberal, so, in effect, it's centre-right.

It says most of the right things on race, gender and sexuality, but ultimately it is still upholding a system that most benefits the top ten percent (the majority of whom are still white).


Ah yes, another loser playing the victim, rather than accepting responsibility for his/her own fate.

I'm pretty sure I'm in whatever percentile I fall in because of my own choices. Not because of my race, sex or sexual preference.


Yeah, sure bro. You can do anything you want, whenever you want. No-one stands in your way.

Good for you.

Now back to reality.


What idiot said that???

Yeah, sure bro. Everything is someone else's fault. Not yours. It's because or your race, sex or sexual preference. Couldn't be you, right?


Malkovich said: “
It says most of the right things on race, gender and sexuality, but ultimately it is still upholding a system that most benefits the top ten percent (the majority of whom are still white).”

That’s exactly how I felt about Bill and Hillary Clinton.


All the media is right-wing. I can guarantee you, you have probably never really heard any left-wing spokespeople. Try listening to the The Young Turks on You-Tube. They are about the best example of an organized real responsible Left wing point of view. The other thing is you can listen to the Ralph Nader Radio Hour where Ralph has lots of very smart people in interviews ... mostly Left-wing or Left-leaning. He always asks them if they have been asked to appear in the media, any media. They almost universally say no. The problem with you guys is that you attack the Left, but what you are really attacking is what you do not know anything about. You are attacking just what the Right-wing tells you to attack.


Is the neocon media we currently have a result of the Telecomm Act if 96?


Oh, so I'm not really conservative, I'm just attacking what 'they' tell me to??? It's not really because I'm diametrically opposed to their point of view but because I've been brainwashed???

Thanks, that's one of the most idiotic, up-is-down, black-is-white arguments I've heard in a long time.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, virtually every reporter and media outlet is overwhelmingly leftist. No one gives a shit any more about just reporting an event or news story. It ALL gets filtered through the liberal agenda. The fact that you cannot see this is one of the biggest problems we face.

Oh the young Turks are definitely left wing. How responsible they are is up for debate. Their rhetoric is sickening but only a slightly exaggerated version of what is heard everywhere else.


That's funny, now all the Neo-Confederate bots are prefacing everything they say with "I'm not a Republican" or
I used to be a Democrat", or "I'm a swing voter" ... and then they continue on with typical extreme-right talking points and insults.

When you mention pretending to be talking from the real world, you didn't bother addressing my point, or any other point, just more insults and pretensions like you are actually making an argument, but not really.


I see that reading comprehension is not really your thing.

So now I'm a "neo-Confederate"? Where did that come from??? I'm so glad we have liberals with their handy labels so that we all know what we are. All this time I thought I was an American conservative who believes in the Constitution.

It's comical because you are guilty of everything you just accused me of. Lots of words without actually saying anything. Which is the liberal modus operandi.


> What are you smoking???
> I see that reading comprehension is not really your thing.

Constant insults, and then you whine about it when people respond.

You pepper everything you say with BS like that. All your groundless childish claims. I know you are but what am I. As to handy labels your orange hero is the one who coins a phrase and the media repeats it over and over for him.

I do not waste my time chatting with Conservatives who do not even have the courage to stand up and identify themselves. These days you all pretend you are swing voters or Libertarians, or some thing, anything so you do not have to assume that absolute garbage of the Republican party.


Have the courage to stand up and identify yourself as a moron.


He thinks conservatives haven't heard of the Young Turks.

Everyone has seen this video of them crying for Hillary on election night. The OP just can't come to terms with the fact that the revolution is occurring on the right not the left. The left is the establishment and is openly censoring the right. Conservatives are even being denied bank accounts now.


This hasn't aged very well. lol


What backstabbing thing did the idiot do today?


He didn't start any wars or bail out any banks like your heros Bush and Obama.


THE DNC will just screw him over again like last election. They couldn't handle Hillary losing to this guy. Of course she then got embarrassed by Trump, so w/e.
