MovieChat Forums > Bernie Sanders Discussion > How Bernie Sanders Answers A Question

How Bernie Sanders Answers A Question

Pretty interesting in contrast to how a certain other folk answers questions.

Sanders starts with the context, I guess he knows that if he starts with the answer ("Yes, but") people are only going to listen to the first bit and then tune out the nuance. Embedding the answer in the context encourages people to see the nuance (and makes it harder to cut it in a way that misrepresents him).

PS: This isn't politics (although it analyzes one of his context based on one of his political stances), just how he wields language.


I would like to see the data on that. How many people in US actually PAY $1700 per month in premiums (and are not provided as benefits by the employer as well) and how much would be the taxes required for the change, brackets and values.
