MovieChat Forums > Peter Sarsgaard Discussion > He is ALWAYS that *beep* guy!

He is ALWAYS that *beep* guy!

you know, the husband/bf in horror movies that doesn't believe the obvious things goin on around him and then he dies in the end...
maybe it is just because this dude keeps showing up in my movies and he's always a dick. I'm like "O my god! it's that guy. that *beep* guy! he's there AGAIN!"
you know the feeling where you feel like an actor is stalking you because he keeps showing up randomly in your movies.
and this one is always a dick. an evil dick, a bad boyfiend dick, and just a dick for sneaking up in my *beep* and then he *beep* dies, but that doesn't keep him from showing up in the next movie i watch! god damn it!

ya but he is cool, im not hating, just sharing.


LOL, I know what you mean. For some reason the same actor will show up in a few movies you watch close together. It was funny how you put it though (stalking you), LOL.


There will always be tht beep guy hehe!!! I know a beep guy who just shows up lol!! But he most certainly turns up unexpectidly x. The type of person who turns up at your house and likes taking pics of you type men lol!
Im young but yet not very wise


he has a very distinctive voice + speech pattern and a really specific aura... I also instantly recognize him when I see a film he's in.
