MovieChat Forums > Peter Sarsgaard Discussion > Why do so many think he is gay?

Why do so many think he is gay?

Listen, im gay... but why are there so many posts about his being gay?

Because he played a gay guy in a movie? He also played a man in a war in a movie. is he in a war right now? No. its called acting.

Watch Indie Sex, he is one that gets interviewed. Also, read this quote on kissing his male costar-

"It wasn’t as hard as, say, running around with all my gear on in Jarhead. I’d rather go for an awkward moment than physical exertion any day. The only thing that I think [male actors] get freaked out about when they have to do something like kiss a guy in a movie—when to their knowledge they’re straight—is that they’re afraid they’re going to be turned on. And if you’re not afraid that you’re going to be turned on—meaning that you know what you like—then really it’s not that hard"

Humm... Julia Roberts once played a hooker. I wonder if she is one?


<< why are there so many posts about his being gay? >>

Wishful thinking!

Bottom Line: He's one of the most brilliant actors of his generation!


actually, his quote trys to hard. I think he is gay. Wouldn't have thought about it or even made a comment on it till I heard you two talking bout it. Either way, dont give a sh*t.


I never thought for a second he was gay. I don't understand the people here. Perhaps it is wishful thinking. He seems very loved up with Maggie Gyllenhall.


Actually, I came to his page to see if he was and I didn't even know he had played a gay man.

It got my attention in Orphan that every time they started arguing his voice and gestures were very effeminate. Not to say that every gay man is like that, and not to say that every straight man isn't, but it did have me wondering.


Agreed, I saw The Orphan tonight, and observed that his mannerisms and speech were rather effeminate. It was interesting to see him in intimate scenes with Vera Farmiga when his gestures would suggest that he might be equally (or more) at ease in intimate scenes with another man.

I too found this page and didn't know until now that he had played a gay man in a prior film... not that it has any true bearing on his sexuality.


Once I had watched Orphan, I right away recognized him from Boys Don't Cry. He is in fact a great actor, but for some reason I wasn't exactly sure if he was straight or not after seeing his performance in Orphan, judging him solely from certain scenes he had in the movie. As Heart mentioned above me, once his voice raised a pitch or two, I found myself questioning if he was gay or not. I never knew he played a gay man in a movie, until I came upon reading the comments on this message board. Not saying I think he is or isn't, but regardless of whether he is or is not, and that is entirely besides the point, he is still a great actor, and I think that above all else matters more than anything. :o)


I am gay, I have pretty good gaydar - and my gaydar says he's gay.

the whole married with children thing is fine for some gay men.... some want the cover, some want the companionship, and some just want to have children. it is possible you know.

"the best that you can do is fall in love"


I have read this thread after viewing Garden State, and after viewing The Dying Gaul, and Kinsey, and An Education, etc, and I have the same view that Peter is gay. Though, I do not believe he is anything comparable to a "queen." I believe Peter is a completely heterosexual seeming man despite his voice, which isn't overly feminine, just enough to shoot of the average person's gay censors. The dude actually has sort of a hot thing going on with the voice--it's very unique. This might not make sense but the voice is feminine but it makes him sort of a sexy guy.

Anyways, read this: y-voice-coach

This article is about a voice coach in Hollywood that tries to help gay men develop a more heterosexual voice, and he mentions Peter Sarsgaard as a client (though not necessarily specifically as one of his gay clients).

I think this guy would be a fantastic gay guy. He's charming, attractive, still slightly feminine--he'd be a great role model for gay men by showcasing that we can come off as homosexual and STILL be attractive.
